
Jikes Steering Committee

The Jikes project is overseen by a small group of individuals known as the Jikes Steering Committee. This group has the following responsibilities:

New members of the Jikes Steering Committee are added when a frequent contributor is nominated by a member of the Steering Committee and unanimously approved by all members. The goal is to keep the membership of the Committee low (5 to 10 people) in order to minimize the amount of bureaucratic overhead required to keep the project running.

In the unlikely event that a member of the Steering Committee becomes disruptive to the development process or ceases to contribute for a long period, he or she may be removed by a unanimous vote of the remaining members of the Steering Committee.

The current members of the Jikes Steering Committee are listed on the people page

Jikes Project Administrators

The day to day, and release to release decisions on the project are handled by the Project Administrators. They have read-write access to the CVS repository and administrative control over the Jikes Project space within developerWorks.

In the unlikely event that a Project Administrator becomes disruptive to the development process or ceases to contribute for a long period, he or she may be removed by a majority vote of the Steering Committee. New Project Administrators will be named on an as needed basis by the Steering Committee and will in most cases have been actively contributing to the project for at least a year.

Jikes Contributors

Contributors are individual or company-affiliated developers who have registered developer level access to the Jikes Project in developerWorks. New Jikes contributors are added when a developer is recognized by the Project Administrators or a member of the Steering Committee and is approved by at least half of the Steering Committee, without any "no" votes, or by unanimous agreement of the Project Administrators. In most cases, new contributors will have already been participating in the development process by submitting patches, bug reports, test cases and/or binaries for at least a few months.

Contributors are listed on the people page.

Copyright notice for contributions

Jikes is covered by the IBM Public License. All further contributions must be made under the same terms. All contributions must contain the following copyright notice:

Copyright © {date} {name of contributor} and others. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the IBM Public License, as found in the file license.htm that is included in this distribution.

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